Schussed schussing schusses 1. Since then every olympic games has had a mascot excluding the 1972 winter olympics in sapporo japan.
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Schuss. Schuss synonyms schuss pronunciation schuss translation english dictionary definition of schuss. Schuss was also the unofficial mascot of the 1968 winter olympics in grenoble france featuring a stylized cartoon character wearing skis.
You can complete the translation of schuss given by the german english collins dictionary with other dictionaries. With reverso you can find the german translation definition or synonym for schuss and thousands of other words.
Schuss definition a straight downhill run at high speed. Informal to ski especially at a fast pace.
Schuss definition is to ski directly down a slope at high speed. Schuss m genitive schusses plural schusse diminutive schusschen n shot colloquial with haben mild craziness sexually attractive person usually female a narcotic injection a straight run downhill.
In alpine skiing a schuss or schussboom is a straight downhill run at high speed contrasting with a slalom mogul or ski jumping. To make a fast straight downhill run on skis or a snowboard.