Play this quiz and find out which house best matches you. Which hogwarts house are you.
One of the possible choices on the wombat.

Sorting hat harry potter. Dont forget to answer the questions honestly. Theres nothing hidden in your head the sorting hat cant see.
The sorting hat as shown on harry potter. Would you be in gryffindor slytherin ravenclaw or hufflepuff.
This quiz will actually ask you psychological questions with a variety of answers that cant easily be determined as to which house they fit into. Ever wondered which house youd be in if you went to hogwarts.
Aptitude test was that the hat was stolen and substituted by delinquent students in 1325 and the whereabouts of the real hat remain unknown. Were celebrating harry potter book night with this sorting hat quiz which will answer this question forever.
Take this harry potter sorting hat quiz to see which hogwarts house you would be in. This is the official pottermore sorting hat test that you often see in pottermore.
Ever since harry potter first donned the sorting hat in jk. A dog or a cat.
Rowlings wizarding world series millions of fans have wondered which of the four houses they would be assigned on their first. Harrys father was often a bully and a thief yet he was still in gryffindor.
This was meant to be more like what the sorting hat does. This test contains all the questions the sorting hat asks on pottermore to sort you into your house.